Friday 6 February 2015

We have had such a lot of fun with the snow this week. The excitement has been palpable and the children have enjoyed playing with it. The cold has not stopped us from working and playing outside and we are happy that the children come well equipped with warm clothes each day.


In maths, we have been concentrating on subtracting this week. As with all new concepts, plenty of practice with concrete materials is the key and they have been working with unifix cubes, whilst they learn this operation. We will be continuing with this work but please do take every opportunity to use the language of subtraction.

In literacy, the children have been writing letters to the zoo, inspired by the book ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell. They have worked hard at sounding out the words and forming their letters correctly. We have also been designing and building animal enclosures using lots of containers, boxes and tubes. Thank you to all of those families that have been bringing in precious resources! Designing something that you intend to build is quite a skill and we have been impressed at the sorts of language we have been hearing from the children. We are hoping that they have been sharing some of the language they are learning in relation to nocturnal and diurnal animals. 

The children have been finding out which animals sleep at night and which sleep during the day and have been working on sorting a variety of animals into categories.

Next week we have much to look forward to, not least a visit from some farm animals!  The playground will be transformed and the children will have the opportunity of observing and petting some real farm animals. 

Our letter of the week will be ‘g’ and we will be inviting green group to bring in show and tell items. We love them to share anything that relates to their learning.

We have many enthusiastic readers in reception and lots of progress is taking place.  Whilst we teach children the skills of reading at school, we know that the reinforcement and practice that they get at home is vital.  Thank you to all of you for continuing to listen to your children read! 

Miss Cane came to visit us and she brought Freddie. The children were very interested in him and asked lots of probing questions! He performed excellently as he slept, cried and ate - a perfect baby!

We hope you  have a lovely weekend.